Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thanksgiving in June

Why must we wait until November to be thankful for the blessings in our lives?

1. My life: My birthday is this weekend and I'm very happy to be healthy and blessed. I have two years until my 40th birthday (and my tattoo!).

We lost two friends this year who just crossed their 40th birthdays. It's important not to take our health - physical and mental - for granted. I'm motivated and determined to stay in better shape and am receiving positive support. I also promise to take better care of myself by scheduling my visits to the doctors and dentist as well.

2. My family: I'm grateful for the love and support of my husband and daughter. Our house is noisy and crazy, and as often as I yell "Quiet!" I know it would not be the same without them. My parents are wonderful and loving (and they're available to babysit as long as it doesn't interfere with the SaReGaMa broadcast this Sat!) I'm also proud of my younger sister and brother and their accomplishments. They've come along way and are definitely on the road to success. I know the road ahead is not easy, but they'll do really well.

3. My girlfriends: My wonderful girlfriends are always there. There are some who are an email away; we support and advise each other through our daily grind.

Then, I have a band of great local girlfriends. I'm known to be the Organizer - always coordinating our girls' outings and showers, setting up e-vite and excel sheets. I think it's so important for us to step away from our roles as mothers and wives to have some time time to be "girls" again.

This evening, they organized themselves to give me a surprise birthday dinner! I know it's hard for everyone to take a break from their family obligations (a cell phone still rings through dinner about a crying child).

So, it's even more special to be appreciated by friends. I've gone through different phases of my life with friendships and am happy to have such close and open relationships now. And, I can still hit my friend M who thinks I'm years younger than her even though we are born 23 days apart.

4. My career: I'm so grateful for the direction my job has taken this year. Last year at this time, I was overwhelmed and crying at my desk because I felt abandoned by so many people and my company. This year, there's been changes and positive momentum building. I'm amazed at the visibility and recognition I've received and how many doors are opening for me. It's amazing what a difference a year makes.

5. My Writing: Ok, this is the most incredible news for the evening! My poem "Tanzania" has been published in Thema literary book! I received this acceptance in the past, but I considered it like others I've received. I am hestitant to believe it until I see it.

Now, I see it and I still can't believe! I actually started jumping up and down in the kitchen when I saw my name on the book. My daughter laughed, "Mommy's jumping up and down!"

While "Tanzania" is not the best poem, it's a simple poem, written to describe a moment. I remember I had stopped at a coffee shop somewhere after a job interview on a rainy day.

I saw the book when I came home from work. I was actually reading while driving somewhere and it just filled me up with emotion. It seemed so different, and I could appreciate this from a distance. Seeing it in print, in a book made me feel removed from it. I'm used to seeing it in Tahoma 10pt font, all on one page. Not holding it in a book.

By the way, not everything is perfect. There are some major issues happening now, but I think it's important to accentuate the positive. Life will never be smooth. It's like the story of the man who stood in front of the ocean. Someone asked him, "Why aren't you going in?" He said, "I'm waiting for the waves to stop."

The waves won't stop, but you can still enjoy the warm sunshine, the fresh salty air and the grains of sand between your toes.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Best wishes thru out the year. Now I simply must ask, how old are you in your blog "about me" photo? I've always thought you looked under 20 in that one.

Anonymous said...


That picture is old, but not THAT old. I think it's 2004. I know I should update it, but it's so hard to find a good picture of me. (95% of the photos we take these days are of my daughter ;-)

But Zen - I should take your cue and post a pic of me in a mask! :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Always good to take inventory on your life to see just how blessed you really are and how blessed we are to have you in our lives.
